Academic partnerships

Our school is constantly searching for educational excellence, which keeps us in permanent contact with other specialized schools of renowned national and international prestige.
We want students to get their full training in the same school, thus facilitating their study plan and academic performance. This is what makes us education leaders within the jewelry, gemology, gemsetting and design sector.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Universidad De Barcelona

It has been more than a decade since we signed our academic partnership with the University of Barcelona, teaching Gemology in Vigo.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Universidad De Puebla

Summer courses and educational exchange programs are this partnership’s priorities.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Asociacion Joyas De Autor

Our Comprehensive Jewelry Course is ratified by this national institution.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Asociacion Tasadores De Alhajas

Students who complete their studies as jewelry appraisers receive the qualification acknowledged by this educational entity, AETA.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Parlameen Lyceen Europeen
Desde el inicio de si actividad, la escuela es miembro oficial del Parlamento Europeo de Escuelas de Joyería.
Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Mas Musa

Somos parte de este Programa Internacional de Formación Multidisciplinar en Arte y Diseño, entre España y países Iberoamericanos.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Asosiacion Joyeros Pontevedra
Vinculados de manera directa con los profesionales del entorno y emprendiendo acciones conjuntas
Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Acaja

Nuestros alumnos tienen acceso de manera directa a todas las actividades y eventos organizados por esta asociación nacional de caracter cultural.

Official membership

As an academic institution, we are part of the main associations and entities of the sector. We are active members in all activities developed by all these organizations, getting our students involved from the moment they enroll in our courses. This allows them to experience first-hand the reality of the sector and to be in direct contact with national and international professionals as well as with leading-edge companies. .


The School of the Atlantic is the only Spanish school of the jewelry sector which offers occupational professional training and continuous training. As a consequence, its teachers and facilities had to pass a quality control by the corresponding public administrations and top educational institutions. Many of its specializations have been recently certified adapting to European benchmarks and norms.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Xunta

Our artistic jewelry middle and high level training courses are part of the official qualifications
ratified by the “Xunta de Galicia.”

We teach some of the specializations in jewelry and watchmaking which are organized within the
occupational training of this Office.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Mimisterio De Educacion Espanol

Our educational offer of the official training programs is envisaged within the curricular design of
the studies of the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Fondo Social Europeo

The ongoing training that we offer is underpinned by the European Social Fund.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Fundacion Tripartita

The Tripartite Foundation collaborates in our ongoing training for people in active employment.

Escuela Joyería Atlantico | Inem

Within our training offer for people in the sector in active employment, we rely on the support of the Spanish National Employment Institute (INEM).